Saturday, January 9, 2016

An Introduction..........

Welcome to my blog!

First of all, I am completely green to this whole blogging thing. My posts will be random, sometimes raw, and possibly contain improper use of punctuation (run on sentences are a bonus!). I am an introvert and have a ton of things in my head so I asked myself "Why not get it out in writing?". At least it will clear my mind of some of the clutter. All are welcome here and I enjoy hearing other opinions and input on all matters.

Now, you may be asking yourself my the name Poor Mommy? Well, there are several reasons for that:

  • I am poor. Literally. We live from month to month. I started working from home many years ago to be able to stay home with the children. Honestly, it was out of necessity. There was a situation with my oldest back when she was a baby and while my husband was watching her he had a medical emergency. Long story short, I rushed home for my child and never looked back. Their safety and wellbeing comes first in my book. My main work from home job decided to outsource to a foreign country and now I get trickle down work from my current position.

  • I have a teen daughter, son with autism, and preschooler so I am often tired. During the most trying times (especially when I am sleep deprived), I have a "poor me" mentality. Yes, I know there are others who have it harder but I sometimes feel sorry for myself. The thoughts of what I used to have sneak into my head and contribute to that feeling.

  • We don't have a car..........I walk.........a lot! I am also usually alone when I walk or ride the bus hence the poor me mentality again.

  • We don't have a house and have been paying rent on an apartment (the SAME apartment) for over 14 years. Yes, it has added up to over $75,000 over the years. It really is like throwing money away since those payments could be used toward a mortgage instead. Realistically, credit and reliable income are holding us back from that. It's a quiet neighborhood so we stay.

Don't get me wrong, I am poor financially but feel rich in life. My family is full of love and peace. We appreciate the little things and are looking forward to the future.

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