Sunday, January 24, 2016

My Neverending Quest for FREE!

Yes, I am an Amazon shopper...Okay, in all honesty, I am an Amazonaholic (is that a word?)! I have a Prime membership and trust me, I use it way more than I should. Some days when I am too lazy, I will order things that I could normally get from the local store from Amazon with my 2 day shipping.
Almost out of paper towels?..........ship it!
Dishwasher tabs running low?.......ship it!
Need more cat litter?.....well, you get the point.
SO since we have such a tight budget, I figured there has to be a way to get the stuff we need/want and still manage to save money. After going on an internet quest I came upon a site called Reviewsio. You review items and earn points that can be used toward Amazon gift cards. I figured why not, I get the items anyway and usually try to remember to post reviews. Doesn't hurt to try right?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

What's In Her Head?

I am that weirdo who has long conversations with herself inside her own head....

Today I was thinking about the Bill Cosby situation. I noticed posts across social media in support of Bill Cosby. That got me thinking. I support Camille! I mean doesn't anyone else think about how it may be affecting her? The partner often gets forgotten in the hoopla that surrounds these cases. What about Katie McLaughlin? Do you even know who she is? She was Jared Fogle's (the Subway sandwich guy) wife. I feel for these women because they are the women behind the men. They didn't get the fame their spouses did but they were in the background supporting them.

Camille Cosby not only has her husband's alleged cheating to deal with, but also the possible criminal charges and humiliation. As wives, even when we slap on that smile we are hurting inside. I support them!

When my spouse was in the hospital, everyone would call asking about how he was. I sat in the background hiding tears from the children. I was worried. During a couple of the times I was also healing. I had a C-section during one of those times and a hysterectomy the other. Wives are there in the shadows and many times taken for granted. I see them, and I support them.

An Introduction..........

Welcome to my blog!

First of all, I am completely green to this whole blogging thing. My posts will be random, sometimes raw, and possibly contain improper use of punctuation (run on sentences are a bonus!). I am an introvert and have a ton of things in my head so I asked myself "Why not get it out in writing?". At least it will clear my mind of some of the clutter. All are welcome here and I enjoy hearing other opinions and input on all matters.

Now, you may be asking yourself my the name Poor Mommy? Well, there are several reasons for that:

  • I am poor. Literally. We live from month to month. I started working from home many years ago to be able to stay home with the children. Honestly, it was out of necessity. There was a situation with my oldest back when she was a baby and while my husband was watching her he had a medical emergency. Long story short, I rushed home for my child and never looked back. Their safety and wellbeing comes first in my book. My main work from home job decided to outsource to a foreign country and now I get trickle down work from my current position.

  • I have a teen daughter, son with autism, and preschooler so I am often tired. During the most trying times (especially when I am sleep deprived), I have a "poor me" mentality. Yes, I know there are others who have it harder but I sometimes feel sorry for myself. The thoughts of what I used to have sneak into my head and contribute to that feeling.

  • We don't have a car..........I walk.........a lot! I am also usually alone when I walk or ride the bus hence the poor me mentality again.

  • We don't have a house and have been paying rent on an apartment (the SAME apartment) for over 14 years. Yes, it has added up to over $75,000 over the years. It really is like throwing money away since those payments could be used toward a mortgage instead. Realistically, credit and reliable income are holding us back from that. It's a quiet neighborhood so we stay.

Don't get me wrong, I am poor financially but feel rich in life. My family is full of love and peace. We appreciate the little things and are looking forward to the future.